What is a strategic narrative? - Strategic Narrative FAQsWhat is a strategic narrative? - Strategic Narrative FAQsStrategic narrative is both a widely used and confusing term....by Amy Zalman
Non-state State & Power Projections 1997-2021: InfographicNon-state State & Power Projections 1997-2021: InfographicHow much does non-state power matter to the future international...by Amy Zalman
Global Trends and the future of the international orderGlobal Trends and the future of the international orderHow long can non-state power rise before it impacts the...by Amy Zalman
Technology and Diversity: Human Augmentation Technology in the WorkplaceTechnology and Diversity: Human Augmentation Technology in the WorkplaceNew Technologies Create New Diversity Issues for Employers and Employees In...by Amy Zalman
The Future of Governance & the End of the Public/Private DivideThe Future of Governance & the End of the...The Future of Public Governance The future may see the economic...by Amy Zalman
The Future is about People *and* Technology: Why Technological Literacy and Strategic Foresight are both Key Leadership SkillsThe Future is about People *and* Technology: Why Technological...Technological literacy and strategic foresight are vital partners. Human society is...by Amy Zalman
Leadership and Anticipation in the Black Swan AgeLeadership and Anticipation in the Black Swan AgeLeadership and Anticipation: How much is a leader expected to...by Amy Zalman
Projecting the Future of the Airport Requires An Open MindProjecting the Future of the Airport Requires An Open...What is the future of the airport? In her book, The...by Amy Zalman
How Strategic Foresight Training is Evolving to Meet the Needs of an Era of Emerging TechnologyHow Strategic Foresight Training is Evolving to Meet the...Announcing the Foresight Sandbox: executive training in foresight with a...by Amy Zalman
The Logic of the Huawei ControversyThe Logic of the Huawei ControversyThe United States is concerned that Chinese telecommunications equipment producer...by Amy Zalman
Trouble in ParadigmsTrouble in ParadigmsParadigm breaking trends are domains in which reality is shaking...by Amy Zalman
The Case for Unpredictive AnalyticsThe Case for Unpredictive AnalyticsMaybe, as a radical experiment in ethics and technology, we...by Amy Zalman
Venturing beyond the Filter Bubble: A Modest Proposal for Tourism Recommender SystemsVenturing beyond the Filter Bubble: A Modest Proposal for...Can the tourism industry create the perfect algorithm? One that...by Amy Zalman
After Sovereignty: 6 Emerging Models of Global GovernanceAfter Sovereignty: 6 Emerging Models of Global GovernanceWhat will global governance look like in the future? How...by Amy Zalman
High Powered Collaboration, a New Narrative for Leaders: an Interview with Kare AndersonHigh Powered Collaboration, a New Narrative for Leaders: an...Kare Anderson Coaches Leaders to Get from "Me to We" Kare...by Amy Zalman